Community Housing Forum 2021
On October 19th, 20th and 21st the SPCK&D hosted our annual Housing Forum. Please find the presentation slides, Community Housing Forum report, and more information provided below.
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Kingston Community Housing Forum Report
Day 1 - What Works?
Keynote Speaker
Please find attached the presentation from our keynote speakers Graeme Hussey and Alya Alterkawi from Cahdco.
Affordable Housing Development 101 walked participants through the process of developing non-profit affordable housing in their community. Lessons included an introduction into project components (capital, land, capacity), roles and responsibilities of the development team, and the development process.
Day 2 - How to Do It?
Keynote Speaker
Please find attached the presentation from our keynote speaker Ken Foulds from Re/fact Consulting.
Developing Affordable Community Housing: You Can Get There From Here focused on how we as a community can create affordable housing units for our community. A breakout group exercise was also held to simulate the development of a non-profit affordable housing project, which encouraged participants to collaborate on strategies to prioritize equity and partnerships and to brainstorm ideas on non-traditional resources and funding to support affordable housing strategies.
Day 3 - Community Action!
City of Kingston Initiatives
Please find attached the presentation from John Henderson, the Housing Programs Administrator for the City of Kingston.
Housing and Homelessness Program Updates highlighted some of the City of Kingston's recent initiatives to address the unaffordable housing crisis.
The City of Kingston’s Housing & Social Services Department is the service manager for housing and homelessness programs in the City of Kingston and County of Frontenac.
Community Housing Groups
Please find attached the presentation from Holly Crawford and Michaella Hynes, summer planning interns for the SCPK&D.
Profile of Kingston's Third Sector Housing provided a brief presentation of the SCPK&D's research study conducted during the summer. A main takeaway from the presentation is that Third Sector Housing Corporations have worked diligently for decades to address diverse needs across a broad population, and through increasing collaborations, there is enthusiasm that this progress will continue to expand.
Innovation Showcase - Presenter 1
Please find attached the presentation from Trevor Horne from the Rural Development Network.
Introduction to Sustainable Housing Initiative (SHI) introduced a step-by-step guide to developing affordable housing. The Sustainable Housing Initiative is a model for affordable housing that redefines how people feel about affordable housing and creates financially sustainable projects.
Innovation Showcase - Presenter 2
Please find attached the presentation from Scott McCready, the CEO & Co-founder of Feris build tech.
Harmonic Affordable Housing X-Factors highlighted how the industry is currently unable to sustainably meet affordable housing demands. Feris has developed technology to create a full building envelope designed to help solve current problems including sustainably sourced lower heating & cooling costs, and on-budget, on-time housing.
Innovation Showcase - Presenter 3
Please find attached the presentation from Phil Searles from Anchor Concrete Products, as well as answers to questions that could not be addressed during the Show Case.
Anchor Concrete Products: Precast Concrete Modular-Building Unit (MSU) highlighted construction problems causing the lack of affordable housing, including points on the affordability of completed buildings, material costs and shortages, construction season, weather and climate change, and skilled trades shortages, among others. Anchor Concrete developed Project Lodestar to contribute to the efficient, affordable design, quality and rapid construction that has minimal impact on the surroundings.